Topic: Coaching Product Owner Teams – Tips, Techniques, etc.
Facilitator: Louis Torres – HSN
Discussion Notes:
* Be effective more than efficient
* List PO responsibility and present to the PO team
* Have PO’s create a kanban board for their backlog items – 25% ready, 50% ready, 75% ready, etc.
* Don’t take/allow stories that aren’t ‘Ready’
* Have strong Scrum Master interaction
* Add some metrics for stories that are missing information – what percentage of stories are not ‘Ready’
* As a Coach, be a co-product owner until Agile behaviors are natural
* Have a PO that is performing Agile techniques well show other PO’s
* Find/develop an Agile Champion within the PO group
* Encourage rapid brainstorming/add-on grooming sessions
* Have PO provide a daily dedicated ‘Team Time’
* Have PO’s do 2 grooming sessions per sprint, one at the beginning of the sprint focusing on large Feature stories needed down the road (2-3 sprints away), the other grooming session near the end of the sprint to groom stories coming soon.