Topic Title: Agile Metrics – Light weight and relevant
Initiator: Prashanth Prasannathirtha
Participants: Kevin Krieger, Suzanne Layne
Discussion Highlights:
What metrics are easy to produce and valuable to key stakeholders?
- story points per sprint – this helps product owner to understand capacity of team and helps in future planning
- Number of support hours spent by the team – This helps to understand the average time spent by team for support activities and provides inputs for sprint planning
- number of releases per time period – this shows how quickly team can release features to production
- sprint burn down charts – helps team to understand their progress. Not for management reporting
- release burn up charts – in case of projects, this kind of chart shows the progress at end of each sprint. Helps to understand the overall health.
Additional discussion points
- Comparing velocity across teams is not needed as velocity is specific to a team.
- defects in non-prod environment is not relevant to end user
- if you have long running teams, the is better awareness of team’s capacity and better trust between PO and teams. This will eliminate need for lot of metrics.
- automation helps you to improve predictability and reduces manual metrics
- some of the tools generates reports automatically
Ideas for Action/Next Steps:
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