Topic Title: Identifying/Measuring Bandwidth
Initiator: Daniel Bridges
Participants: Tyson Baker, Dennis Griffith, Jimmayya Jojjauaru, Justin Hirota, Chris Teeples
Discussion Highlights:
Tracking is your friend – if something seems important, track it. How many production issues did you have? You’ll know if you track where issues are discovered and their size.
Sprints are for prediction – avoid adding unpredictable things to them
Ideas for Action/Next Steps:
Track new fields in your software like Jira. Where did bugs get discovered, by who, How many hours of QA is this ticket, etc. Provide this data to stakeholders/PMs to enable decisions.
Manage external dependencies- make your definition of ready include what you need for tickets, you aren’t ready to work on tickets if something unpredictable is a prerequisite.
Process brings predictability – if you can define a process, you can start predicting things. If you don’t have the control over something, like UAT, maybe it shouldn’t be part of your sprint, since that needs to be predictable.