Fwd: Beyond Hiring
Begin forwarded message: From: “Sabarsky, Leon (GovCIO)” <[email protected]>Date: October 10, 2017 at 7:20:03 AM CDTTo: “Sabarsky, Leon (GovCIO)” <[email protected]>, “[email protected]” <[email protected]>Subject: Beyond Hiring
Session: Measurements for health or quality

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Management in Agile

Notes from this session
Scaling Agile: First Steps session

Hi, Attached are photos of the notes and participants list from my session at Agile Open Florida. Thanks for a great event! All the best, Anitra Pavka — All the best, Anitra Pavka mobile: 785-218-7930

Topic Title: What is beneath vunerability courage and shame Initiator: Kristy Erbeck Participants: Discussion Highlight: Trust, shared experiencesgetting lost together and being found– Free to ask the dumbest questions and make suggestions– taking risks– willing to be stupid– being transparent about things that could cause you pain– risking feeling bad– people seeing through you– showing […]