Leadership Host
— Konferenz “Lean Kanban Central Europe” am 16.-17.11.2015 in München. START HERE. LEAD DIFFERENT: lkce15.com Zeit-Interview: it-agile-Mitarbeiter bestimmen ihre Gehälter selbsthttp://bit.ly/zogeh — Peter Rößler mobil: +49
— Konferenz “Lean Kanban Central Europe” am 16.-17.11.2015 in München. START HERE. LEAD DIFFERENT: lkce15.com Zeit-Interview: it-agile-Mitarbeiter bestimmen ihre Gehälter selbsthttp://bit.ly/zogeh — Peter Rößler mobil: +49
Powerful questions in theory an practice
According to this micro-survey the times from the scrum guide seem to work fairly well, but then again, (of course!) sticking to the times is
Formerly called "PowerPoint Karaoke without PowerPoint", this session featured the Pope talking about riding bicycles, a waiter praising zombie kangaroos and much more. Thanks a
To make this the best Agile Coach Camp Germany ever, session conveners are publishing their notes at accde.openspaceproceedings.com. To publish your session’s notes, follow these