– games, moving motivators. What motivates team members?
– bottom up change initiatives, support from leadership
– challenges : coasters, don't like change, don't leave organizations.
– use open space to initiate changes
– empathy as a change agent. Recognizing change is HARD
– fear of uncertainty around change. "but we are effective now."
– incremental. Celebrate small wins.
– Toyota Kata. Break it down. Every day.
– spaced repetition. Make vey small change every day.
– beware complacency. "we are awesome at Agile. We don't need improving". Ask for experiments.
– ask team members to rate how well they are meeting the Agile manifesto principles. What to do to improve?
– May agile games can be used to think about change.
– defend agents of change from pressure to be pulled off change tasks.
– impact mapping. Goal, impact, actors, deliverables