Initiator: Farrah Miller
Note taker: same

Discussion / Key Concepts / Quotes / Revelations / Highlights
Product Owner Domain vs Product Manager
Complex large scenario, multiple product lines and teams

Recommendation / Next Steps / Actions
General setup is one product manager with multiple PO’s.

Product Manager is responsible for Product vision and should supply a “one page” vision writeup for the PO to share with the team. Like Roman Pichler’s product canvas. Team should get to see the vision. Creates and shares value proposition with PO.

PM also creates roadmap. Also create high level Epics/features they would like to see built with high level acceptance criteria.

PO should be brought into understand the roadmap at some point and be able to weigh in and build release plan.

If a business problem arises unplanned, the PM should include PO and analyze and scope/request to team to help solve.

The PO
Multiple POs might work under one PM.
PO – Owns the backlog, gets to prioritize the level below features and how to break down features and order work. They are responsible to bring the value proposition down to the team.

In a complex scenario with large volume and multiple PO’s, the work needs to be split. There is not a clear way to do this. Maybe by application, product line or depending on skill set of each PO.

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