Topic Title: The Agile PMO: What? Why? How?

Initiator: Christopher Martinez

Participants: Danielle Hinson, Dan Crowley, Connie Pope, Shelly Bishop, Kim Reynolds, Tina Misser, Chris Grunsten, Kelley Watson, Marcia Frash, Lynn Flannery, Bill Somerville, Lemont Chambliss, Suzanne Layman, Brian Attuso, Doug Arevida, Brad Silverman, Linda Cook, Donna Law, Chris Teeples, Chase Holland, Eileen Cease, Timmayya Jojjavarapu

Discussion Highlights:
The Traditional PMO *can* conflict with Agile, this is sometimes the “common knowledge”. However the Agile PMO can add value.

USF switched from a Project Management Office to a Portfolio Management Office. Integrates with Agile Competency Center to champion/evangelize/coach Agile across the organization. Works particularly with traditional, waterfall teams.

Traditional PMO roles, e.g. governance and metrics tracking,  are still important functions, but keep it lightweight, target metrics that truly measure customer received value.

Move away from prescriptive, strict rules organization. Facilitate, truly be a servant leadership area for the organization. There can be tremendous value in communicating the organizations strategic goals down to the teams and measuring their work against these goals.

GWC – Quick look at your teams/members, do they Get It, Want It, have the Capacity to do it.

Organic growth towards the *ideal* Agile PMO, the path can be different for every organization but there can be best practices to work with.

Ideas for Action/Next Steps:
Agile PMO can work toward formation of true Scrum teams where they do not exist. Can use well targeted metrics to form and improve teams.  The focus can be on a small number of metrics that are most impactful for the business.

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