Kanban Cannot Save You: Overcoming Scrum Antipatterns without Abandoning Scrum

Topic Title: Kanban Cannot Save You: Overcoming Scrum Antipatterns without Abandoning Scrum Initiator: Sam Falco Participants: Denise Duggan, Jamie Leatherman, Joey deVilla, Abbie Field, Lemont Chambliss, Eileen Cease, Laynn flannery, Ed Brunner, Albia Santiago, Charlie Neighbors, Marilyn Brislin, Liasa de Almerde, Anne Jones, Adam Ullery, Richard Martinez, Tom Clemente, Michael C. McGreevy Discussion Highlights:What problems […]

Topic Title: Identifying/Measuring Bandwidth Initiator: Daniel Bridges Participants: Tyson Baker, Dennis Griffith, Jimmayya Jojjauaru, Justin Hirota, Chris Teeples Discussion Highlights:Tracking is your friend – if something seems important, track it. How many production issues did you have? You’ll know if you track where issues are discovered and their size. Sprints are for prediction – avoid […]

Analysts in Agile

Topic Title:  Analysts in Agile Initiator:  Jill Wilson, Healthesystems Participants:  Efrain, Jamie, Simon, Mariane, Jack, Brandon, Euy, Tina, Tabatha, Lani, Jonathon, Ed, Dan, Kevin, Marilyn, Vanessa, Prachi, Jane, Kelley, Denise, Zach, Jill. Discussion Highlights: Tell us what you, as an Analyst, do on your Agile team: work closely with the Product Owner to gather requirements […]

Topic Title: DevOps Initiator: Gary Hernon Participants: Thomas Banea, Jared Porcenalum, Jennifer Mollitor, Sheetal Agashe, Knud Hansen, Justin Hirta, Connie Pope, Monica Hernandez, Matt Warner, Gary Hernon Discussion Highlights:To be agile there is a real need for continuous integration and deployment.DevOps is a mentality, not a personFeature toggle can be used to deploy small features […]

Business engagement with Scrum Teams

Topic Title: Having Business representative/user as part of Scrum Team Initiator: Ruchir Shah Participants: Caurie Waddell, Dennis Griffith, David Corbin, Tracey Long Discussion Highlights: Dealing with change in expectations that business teams have as we transition from Waterfall to Agile Customer wants more self service Developing better bonding between IT and business teams is key […]