Topic Title: Scrum Master’s!  What do they do after the “Stand-Up”? Initiator: Mark Cruz Scrum masters are servant leaders, Scrum masters use stand-up’s to pull information if team is on schedule, they draw out impediments from their scrum teams.  They ask the difficult questions to move the team forward.  Scrum Masters work without judgement of […]

Creative Retrospectives

 Initator: Shelly Bishop Attendees:  Denise Duggan, Alison Janke, Jennifer Maldonado, Rita Oglesky, Jamie Leatherman, Beth Galambos, Serg Ivanov, Amanda Serrano, Laura Menendez, Tami Volkert, Matt Warner, Bernie Manlapig, Bill Somerville, Jody Dattisman-Wagman ,Abbie Field, Daniel Bridges, Zach Lyons, Erik Tandberg, Stephanie Raffman Creative Retrospectives Friday, October 06, 2017 12:37 PM <![if !supportLists]>ยท         <![endif]>Picture of a […]

Topic Title: The Beautiful Partnership of the Product Owner and Scrum Master Initiators: Beth Galambos (PO) and Jamie Leatherman (SM) with Healthesystems Participants: Jennifer Maldonado, Michael McGreeny, Bill Somerville, Becca Franklin, Matt Warner, Riccardo Reimers, Tami Volkert, Dominique McCarthy, Connie Pope, Lauren Reid, Travis Thompson, Seth Trainor, Daniel Bridges, Justin Hirota, Lani McDaniel, Lemont Chamblics, Albin […]

Topic Title: How can we help Stakeholders change Goals and Product Initiatives to be more successful? Initiator:Kevin Tighe Participants: Erik Tandberg, ~10 USF People (go Bulls), ~other people (go team) Discussion Highlights: Bi-weekly check in meeting in addition to review Esentially a planning session Stakeholder views board and makes priority decisions Use lots of graphs, […]

Topic Title: Getting Stakeholders Motivated Initiator: Erik Tandberg Participants: Laura Menendez, Bill Aiens, Danielle Hinson, Ivan Vazquez, Daniel Hirshclein Discussion Highlights: You can’t make anyone do anything, you have to convince them they want to do something Get them involved during Planning Send an ambassador 1 on 1 to show what was built Understand their […]

Topic Title: Helping Stakeholders Understand Iterative Processes Initiator: Shani Fails Participants: Steve Sladoje, Chris Levine, Amanda Ippolito, Patrick McClain, Theresa Travis, Violet Nahrold Discussion Highlights: Customers are committed to ensuring products are done and perfect, but is there really such a thing? Life itself is iterative, so how can PO’s help stakeholders understand this concept […]