Business Agility – the challenge of converting Projects to Products #noprojects and #whenprojects

Most large transformations struggle to figure out how to reorganize themselves. Existing technology-specific teams should likely be dismantled and reformed into cross-functional, customer/solution centric durable product teams. We talked about how one healthy behavior is to have a top-down lead strategy to identify the organization’s customer journey and big picture value stream, then identify the […]
Agile vs. Coach
This session explored the inner tension for agile coaches identified through exploratory research between “coach as agile expert” and “coach as curious enabler”. The full transcript is available here: Here are some snippets: ME: … the big themes that I thought were really interesting was this tension between “I’m an expert. The reason you […]
Overcoming Challenges Adopting Technical Practices

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Let’s DO it… coaching triads by Tiffany Powley

DevOps/CI/CD/Software tools, what they all mean, and how they support agility

Scaling values & principles