OKRs: Anti-Patterns and How to Overcome Them

Please find OKR session proceedings below:
Leading Scrum Masters – Silvana Wasitova

Give them real world structure – structure for their real daysChange agent Network instead of a Community of Practice for Scrum Masters Create good policies and processes around impediment busting with senior management Do systemic modeling so they understand it’s a system issue Spend a day in the life if a Scrum Master Go see […]
Leading Scrum Masters – Silvana Wasitova
Do a coaching session live with the candidate. Coffee and posting on a safe, anonymous portal How are people growing, “What have you learned lately? How are you changing?” We want people who have that spark. What is YOUR role in your career? On Sat, Aug 3, 2019, 11:12 AM Sarah Baca <sarahjbaca> wrote: Give […]
Coaching with Skin in the Game

Clean Coaching Supervision with Caitlin Walker & Andrea Choiu
Supervisors are very normal with therapistsTeachers in the US have someone come in and supervise their class Some have a spectrum of peer-based supervision – formal and informal (peers) Why might you want Supervision for? To manage emotions from the work I’m doing Learning, having someone challenge my perspective and professional growth Ethical issues that […]
From Silos to Symbiosis – ACC 2019 DC