Topic Title: Self-Forming Teams Initiator: Adam Hsu Participants: Adam Hsu, Kate Leonardo, Gordon Ridge, Kevin Tighe, Riccardo Reihers, Tina Duncan, Anitra Pavka, Gaile Sweeney, Michelle Michael, Jason Stanley, June Fox Discussion Highlights: In this session Adam Hsu provided background and insights on what a Team Self-Formating event is about and why an organization might consider […]

Measuring Value Beyond Straight Fibonacci

Topic Title:Measuring Value Beyond Straight Fibonacci Initiator: Steve Sladoje Participants:Steve Granese, Simon Stankeuicius, Lucille Scaglione, David Haight, Brandon Peacock, Jack Cayon, Efrain Perez Jr, Lani McDaniel, Sarah Urriste, Danielle Hinson, Kevin Krieger Discussion Highlights: Add Business Value to Features Epics are likely too large and would have necessarily large risk in the valuations PBIs are […]

Topic Title:  How do you incorporate business team UAT testing into Agile development team cycles / sprints to avoid late testing and defects (“wagile”)? Initiator:  Shannon Hausey & Sherrie Hanrahan Participants:  Brian Attuso, Patrick McClain, Knud Hansen, Caurie Waddell, Jody Dattisman-Wagman, Rene Clayton, Cindy Coventry, Tracey Long, Jakob Andersen, Evy Vicioso, Theresa Travis, Bill Aikens, […]

Topic Title:How to stay busy in a sprint (keeping developers active at the end) Initiator: Tracy Sells Participants: Kate Leonardo, Gordon Ridge, Bill Dean, Kevin Krieger, Sarah Baca, Becca Franklin, Stephanie Raffman, Rita Oglesby, David Aaron, Evy Vicioso, Jason Stanley, Tyson Baker, Tami Volkert, Sherrie Hanrahan, Graile Sweeney, Theresa Travis, Kelley Watson Discussion Highlights:In the […]

  Topic Title: How to successfully execute training for  globally distributed teams Initiator: Kimberly Reynolds Participants:Wendy Culpepper, Alina Geddard, Karam Labban, Phil Zofrea, Rita Oglesby Discussion Highlights:1. Different Time Zones and Cultures – have meetings using video and tent cards. For each person not in the same room have a tent card with all the […]